*King, T., Clark, D., Quigley, M., Duffy, B. (2020) Structure and kinematics of surface ground rupture in the 2016 Mw 6.1 Petermann earthquake, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences,

*King, T., Quigley, M., Attanayake, J., Clark, D., (2020) Seismic ground motions revealed by displaced rock fragments, Geology

*Mohammadi, H., Quigley, M., Duffy, B., Steacy, S., (2020) Effects of viscoelastic stress transfer on an intraplate earthquake sequence, submitted 2020

PUBLICATIONS (*student author at project inception)

101. *Vermeer, J., Quigley, M., Langridge, R., Duffy, B., Mildon, Z., Diercks, M-L (2022) Fault slip-rates and Coulomb stress interactions in the intersection zone of the Hope, Kelly and Alpine Faults, South Island, New Zealand, Tectonophysics

100. *Sellmann, S., Quigley, M., Duffy., B., *Yang, H, Clark, D. (2022) Fault geometry and slip rates from the Nullarbor and Roe Plains of south-central Australia: insights into the spatial and temporal characteristics of intraplate seismicity, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

99. Quigley, M, Silver, J., (2022), Science advocacy in political rhetoric and actions, Environment, Systems and Decisions [PDF]

98. *Yang, H., Sellmann, S., & Quigley, M. (2022). Fluid‐enhanced neotectonic faulting in the cratonic lithosphere of the Nullarbor Plain in south‐central Australia. Geophysical Research Letters, e2022GL099155.

97. *Yang, H., Moresi, L. N., Quigley, M., Kahraman, M., & Kalafat, D. (2022). Crustal transpressional fault geometry influenced by viscous lower crustal flow. Geology.

96. *King, T.R., M. Quigley, D. Clark, A. Zondervan, J-H May, A. Alimanovic (2021) Paleoseismology of the 2016 MW 6.1 Petermann earthquake source: implications for intraplate earthquake behaviour and the geomorphic longevity of bedrock fault scarps in a low strain-rate cratonic region, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

95. *Yang, H., Quigley, M., King, T. (2021) Surface slip distributions and geometric complexity of intraplate reverse-faulting earthquakes, Geological Society of America Bulletin [PDF]

94. Quigley, M., Saunders, W., Massey, C., Van Dissen, R., Villamor, P., Jack, H., Litchfield, N. (2020) The utility of earth science information in post-earthquake land-use decision-making: the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence, New Zealand, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) 

93. Quigley, M.C., Attanayake, J., King, A., Prideaux, F. (2020) A multi-hazards earth science perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic: the potential for concurrent and cascading crises, Environment Systems and Decisions 40p. 199–215 [LINK]

92. Quigley, M., Duffy, B., (2020), Effects of Earthquakes on Flood Hazards: A Case Study From Christchurch, New Zealand, Geosciences 10, 114; doi:10.3390/geosciences10030114 [PDF]

91. Attanayake, J., King, T., Quigley, M.C., Gibson, G., Clark, D., Jones, A., Sandiford, M., (2020) Rupture Characteristics and the Structural Control of the 2016 Mwp 6.1 Intraplate Earthquake in the Petermann Ranges, Australia, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 110 (3): 1037–1045. [PDF]

90. *Borella, J., Quigley, M., Riley, M., Trutner, S., Jol, H., Borella, M., Hampton, S., Gravley, D., (2020) Influence of anthropogenic landscape modifications and infrastructure on the geological characteristics of liquefaction, Anthropocene, v. 29, 100235 [PDF]

89. *Yang, H., Moresi, L., Quigley, M. (2020) Fault spacing in continental strike-slip shear zones, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 530, doi: [PDF]

88. *King, T., Quigley, M., Clark, D. (2019) Surface-rupturing historical earthquakes in Australia and their environmental effects: new insights from re-analyses of observational data, Geosciences 9(10), 408; [LINK]

87. *Borella, J., Quigley, M., *Krauss, Z., *Lincoln, K., Attanayake, J., *Stamp, L., *Lanman, H., *Levine, S., Hampton, S. Gravley, D., (2019) Geologic and geomorphic controls on rockfall hazard: how well do past rockfalls predict future distributions? Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) [LINK TO ARTICLE]

86. Gold, R., Clark, D., Barnhart, W., *King, T., Quigley, M., Briggs, R.W., (2019) Surface rupture and distributed deformation revealed by optical satellite imagery: The intraplate 2016 Mw 6.0 Petermann Ranges earthquake, Australia Geophysical Research Letters, [PDF]

85. *Mohammadi, H., Quigley, M., Steacy, S., Duffy, B. (2019) Effects of source model variations on Coulomb stress analyses of a multi-fault intraplate earthquake sequence, Tectonophysics 766, 151-166 [PDF]

84. Quigley, M., Jimenez, A., Duffy, B., *King, T. (2019), Physical and statistical behaviour of multi-fault earthquakes: Darfield earthquake case study, New Zealand, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 124, [PDF]

83. Quigley, M.C., Bennetts, L.B., Durance, P., Kuhnert, P.M., Lindsay, M.D., Pembleton, K.G., Roberts, M.E., White, C.J., (2019) The provision and utility of earth science to decision-makers: synthesis and key findings, Environment Systems and Decisions, doi: [PDF]

82. Quigley, M.C., Bennetts, L.B., Durance, P., Kuhnert, P.M., Lindsay, M.D., Pembleton, K.G., Roberts, M.E., White, C.J., (2019) The Provision and Utility of Science and Uncertainty to Decision-Makers: Earth Science Case Studies, Environment Systems and Decisions, doi: [PDF]

81. Macklin, S.R., Quigley, M., Terzic, Z., Barter, J.F., Buchanan, P., (2019) A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Active Fault Rupture Risk Characterization: 3D Geological Modelling of the Willunga Fault, Mt Bold Dam, South Australia, ICOLD 2019 Annual Meeting/Symposium: Sustainable and Safe Dams Around the World, June 9-14, Ottawa, Canada

80. Griffin, J., Gerstenberger, M., Allen, T., Clark, D., Cummins, P., Cuthbertson, R., Dimas, V.-A., Gibson, G., Ghasemi, H., Hoult, R., Lam, N., Leonard, M., Mote, T., Quigley, M., Somerville, P., Sinadinovski, C., Stirling, M. & Venkatesan, S. (2018) Expert elicitation of model parameters for the 2018 National Seismic Hazard Assessment: Summary of workshop, methodology and outcomes. Geoscience Australia, Record 2018/28, Canberra, doi: 10.11636/Record.2018.028,

79. *King, T., Quigley, M., Clark, D. (2018) Earthquake environmental effects produced by the Mw 6.1, 20th May 2016 Petermann earthquake, Australia, Tectonophysics v. 747–748, p. 357-372 [PDF] [Earthquake Catalogue]

78. Quigley, M., Bennetts, L., Durance, P., Kuhnert, P. M., Lindsay, M. D., Pembleton, K. G., Roberts, M.E., White, C. J. (2018). The Provision and Utility of Science and Uncertainty to Decision-Makers: Earth Science Case Studies. EarthArXiv Preprints [LINK]

77. Quigley, M. (2019), Chapter 3. Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, ASCE monograph “Earthquake-Flood Multi-hazard Impacts on Lifeline Systems

76. Quigley, M. & Duffy, B. (2019), Chapter 5. Tectonic Deformation and Liquefaction Induced Ground Settlement, ASCE monograph “Earthquake-Flood Multi-hazard Impacts on Lifeline Systems

75. *Khajavi, N. Nicol, A., Quigley, M.C., Langridge, R.M. (2018), Temporal slip-rate stability and variations on the Hope Fault, New Zealand, during the late Quaternary, Tectonophysics 738, 112-123 [PDF]

74. Quigley, M., *Mohammadi, H., Jiménez, A., Duffy, B., Multi-fault earthquakes with kinematic and geometric rupture complexity: how common? 8th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 13 – 16 November, 2017, New Zealand. p. 316-318 [PDF]

73. Terzic, Z., Quigley, M.C., Lopez, F. (2017), Detailed Seismic Hazard assessment of Mt Bold area: comprehensive site-specific investigations on Willunga Fault, Australian National Committee on Large Dams Incorporated (ANCOLD) General Assembly Full Length Conference Paper, Hobart, Tasmania, 14 p. [PDF]

72. Joy, K., Fink, D., Carson, N., Storey, B., *De Pascale, G., Quigley, M., Fujioka, T. (2017), Cosmogenic evidence for limited local glacial expansion during the LGM in the Denton Hills, Antarctica, Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol 178, p. 89-101, [PDF]

71. Quigley, M.C, Forte, A.M., (2017) Science website traffic in earthquakes  Seismological Research Letters, DOI: 10.1785/0220160172 [PDF] [SUPP INFO]

70. Duffy, B., Kalansky, J., Bassett, K., Harris, R., Quigley, M., van Hinsbergen, D., Strachan, L., Rosenthal, Y. (2017) Mélange versus forearc contributions to sedimentation and uplift, during rapid denudation of a young Banda forearc-continent collisional belt, Asian Journal of Earth Sciences 138, 186-210 [PDF]

69. Rossi, M.W., Quigley, M.C., Fletcher, J., Whipple, K., Díaz-Torres, J.J., Seiler, C., Fifield, L.K., Heimsath, A.M. (2017) Along-strike variation in catchment morphology and cosmogenic denudation rates reveal the pattern and history of footwall uplift, Main Gulf Escarpment, Baja California, Geological Society of America Bulletin, doi: 10.1130/B31373.1  [PDF]

68. *Borella, J., Quigley, M., Sohbati, R., Almond, P., Gravley, D., Murray, A. (2016) Chronology and processes of late Quaternary hillslope sedimentation in the eastern South Island, New Zealand, Journal of Quaternary Science [PDF]

67. *Borella, J., Quigley, M., *Vick, L. (2016) Anthropocene rockfalls travel farther than prehistoric predecessors, Science Advances Vol. 2, no. 9, e1600969,  DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600969  [LINK]

66. *Stahl, T., Quigley, M., Bebbington, M. (2016), Tectonic geomorphology of the Fox Peak and Forest Creek Faults: slip rates, segmentation, and earthquake magnitudes, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics [PDF]

65. Sohbati, R., *Borella, J., Murray, A., Quigley, M., Buylaert, J-P. (2016) Optical dating of loessic hillslope sediments constrains timing of prehistoric rockfalls, Christchurch, New Zealand, Journal of Quaternary Science [PDF]

64. Quigley, M., Pettinga, J. (2016), Evolution and progressive geomorphic manifestation of surface faulting: A comparison of the Wairau and Awatere faults, South Island, New Zealand: COMMENT, Geology, 44, e391  [LINK]

63. Villamor, P., Almond, P., Giona Bucci, M., Tuttle, M.T., Langridge, R., Clark, K., Ries, W., *Bastin‎, S., Vandergoes, M., Quigley, M., Martin, F., Howarth, J., Eger A. (2016), Liquefaction features produced by the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence in southwest Christchurch, New Zealand and preliminary assessment of paleoliquefaction features, Bulletin Seismological Society of America, doi: BSSA-D-15-00223 [PDF]

62. *Bastin, S., Bassett, K., Quigley, M., Maurer, B., Green, R.A., Bradley, B., Jacobson, D. (2016) Late Holocene liquefaction at sites of contemporary liquefaction during the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, New Zealand, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, doi: BSSA-D-15-00166 [PDF]

61. *Stahl, T., Quigley, M.C., McGill, A., Bebbington, M. (2016) Modeling earthquake moment magnitudes on imbricate reverse faults from paleoseismic data, Fox Peak and Forest Creek faults, South Island, New Zealand, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, doi: BSSA-D-15-00215. [PDF]  [SUPP]

60. Quigley, M., Hughes, M., Bradley, B., van Ballegooy, S., Reid, C., Morgenroth, J., Horton, T., Duffy, B., Pettinga, J. (2016) The 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence: environmental effects, seismic triggering thresholds, and geologic legacy, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.01.044. [PDF]

59. *Khajavi, N., Langridge, R., Quigley, M., Smart, C., Rezanejad, A., Martín-González, F., (2016) Late Holocene rupture behaviour and earthquake chronology on the Hope fault, New Zealand, GSA Bulletin, doi: 10.1130/B31199.1. [PDF]

58. Maurer, B., Green, R., Quigley, M., *Bastin, S., (2015) Development of Magnitude-Bound Relations for Paleoliquefaction Analyses: New Zealand Case Study, Engineering Geology, 197, 253-266. [PDF]

57. Van Dissen, R., *Hornblow, S., Villamor, P., Quigley, M., Litchfield, N., Nicol, A., Barrell, D. (2015) Greendale Fault rupture of 2010 (Darfield Earthquake, New Zealand): an Example of Recurrence Interval and Ground surface Displacement Characterisation for Land-use Planning and Engineering Design Purposes, 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 1-4 November 2015, Christchurch, New Zealand [PDF]

56. *Bastin, S., Quigley, M.C., Bassett, K. (2015) Comparison of liquefaction-induced land damage and geomorphic variability in Avonside, New Zealand, 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 1-4 November 2015, Christchurch, New Zealand [PDF]

55. *Bastin, S., Quigley, M., and Bassett, K. (2015) Paleoliquefaction in Christchurch, New Zealand, GSA Bulletin, B31174-1. [PDF]

54. Hughes, M., Quigley, M., van Ballegooy, S., Deam, B., Bradley, B, Hart, D., Measures, R. (2015) The sinking city: Earthquakes increase flood hazard in Christchurch, New Zealand, GSA Today 25, 3, 4-10 [PDF]

53. *Hornblow, S., Quigley, M., Nicol, A., Van Dissen, R., Wang, N. (2014) Paleoseismology of the 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake source, Greendale Fault, New Zealand, Tectonophysics, 637, 178-190 [PDF]

52. Mackey, B., and Quigley, M. (2014) Strong proximal earthquakes revealed by cosmogenic 3He dating of prehistoric rockfalls, Christchurch, New Zealand, Geology, 42 (11), 975-978. [PDF] [SUPP INFO]

51. Allen, J., and 19 others, (2014) Geotechnical & Flooding Reconnaissance of the 2014 March Flood Event Post 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, New Zealand, GEER Report, 134 p. [PDF]

50. Egan, C.J., and Quigley, M., (2014) Dancing earthquake science assists recovery from the Christchurch earthquakes, Research in Dance Education, 16(2), 161-183. [PDF]

49. Bilderback, E., Pettinga, J., Litchfield, N., Quigley, M., Marden, M., Roering, J., Palmer, A., (2014) Hillslope response to climate-modulated river incision in the Waipaoa Catchment, East Coast North Island, New Zealand, GSA Bulletin, 127(1-2), 131-148. [PDF]

48. Khajavi, N.Quigley, M., Langridge, R., (2014) Influence of topography and basement depth on surface rupture morphology revealed from LiDAR and field mapping, Hope Fault, New Zealand, Tectonophysics, 630, 265-284.  [PDF]

47. De Pascale, G. P., Quigley, M. C., & Davies, T. R. (2014) Reply to Comment by Langridge et al., Lidar reveals uniform Alpine fault offsets and bimodal plate boundary rupture behavior, New Zealand. Geology, 42(10), e350.

46. De Pascale, G. P., Quigley, M. C., & Davies, T. R. (2014) Reply to Comment by Barth, Lidar reveals uniform Alpine fault offsets and bimodal plate boundary rupture behavior, New Zealand. Geology, 42(10), e352.

45. De Pascale, G. P., Quigley, M. C., & Davies, T. R. (2014) Lidar reveals uniform Alpine fault offsets and bimodal plate boundary rupture behavior, New Zealand. Geology, G35100-1. [PDF]

44. Li, Y-G., De Pascale, G., Quigley, M., Gravely, D., (2014) Fault Damage Zones of the M7.1 Darfield and M6.3 Christchurch Earthquake Sources Viewed with Fault-Zone Trapped Waves, Tectonophysics 618, 79-101 [PDF]

43. Li, Y. G., De Pascale, G., Quigley, M., Gravely, D., (2014) Subsurface Rupture Structure of the M7.1 Darfield and M6.3 Christchurch Earthquake Sequence Viewed with Fault‐Zone Trapped Waves, in “Seismic Imaging, Fault Damage and Heal” edited by Y. G. Li, China Higher  Education Press, Beijing, and De Gruyter, Boston, USA, 46 pages.

42. Stahl, T., Bilderback, E., Quigley, M., Nobes, D., Massey, C., (2014) Coseismic landsliding during the Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake: implications for the paleoseismic studies of landslides, Geomorphology, 241, 144-127. [PDF]

41. Bradley, B. A., Quigley, M. C., Van Dissen, R. J., & Litchfield, N. J. (2014) Ground motion and seismic source aspects of the Canterbury earthquake sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 30, 1, 1-15. [PDF]

40. Bastin, S., Quigley, M., Bassett, K., (2013) Modern and paleo-liquefaction features in eastern Christchurch and strategies for locating pre-historic liquefaction, Proc. 19th NZGS Geotechnical Symposium, 8 p. [PDF]

39. Van Dissen, R., Hornblow, S., Quigley, M., Litchfield, N., Villamor, P., Nicol, A., (2013) Towards the development of design curves for characterising distributed strike-slip surface fault rupture displacement: an example from the 4 September, 2010, Greendale Fault rupture, NZ, Proc. 19th NZGS Geotechnical Symposium, 8 p. [PDF]

38. Duffy, B., Quigley, M., Ring, U. (2013) Arc-parallel extrusion of the Timor Sector of the Banda Arc – continent collision, Tectonics, DOI: 10.1002/tect.20048 [PDF]

37. Stahl, T., Winkler, S., Quigley, M., Bebbington, M., Duffy, B., Duke, D., (2013) Schmidt hammer exposure‐age dating (SHD) of late Quaternary fluvial terraces in New Zealand, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.3427 [PDF]

36. Quigley, M., Bastin, S., and Bradley, B., (2013) Recurrent liquefaction in Christchurch, New Zealand during the Canterbury earthquake sequence, Geology 41 (4) p. 419-422. [PDF]

35. Duffy, B., Quigley, M., Van Dissen, R., Stahl, T., Leprince, S., McInnes, C., Barrell, D., Bilderback, E., (2013) Fault kinematics and surface deformation across a releasing bend during the 2010 MW7. 1 Darfield, New Zealand, earthquake revealed by differential LiDAR and cadastral surveying, GSA Bulletin 125 (3-4) p. 420-431 [PDF]

34.  Seiler, C., Quigley, M.C., Fletcher, J.M., Phillips, D., Gleadow, A.J.W. and Kohn, B.P. (2013) Stratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Santa Rosa basin, Baja California: Dynamic evolution of a constrictional rift basin during oblique extension in the Gulf of California. Basin Research. doi: 10.1111/bre.12004  [PDF]

33. Nguyen, N, Duffy, B., Shulmeister, J., and Quigley, M., (2013) Rapid Pliocene uplift of Timor, Geology 41 (2), p. 179-182. [PDF]

32. Townend, J., Villamor, P., and Quigley, M. (2012) Introduction to the Canterbury earthquake sequence special issue. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 55 (3), 151-154 [PDF]

31. Khajavi, N., Quigley, M., McColl, S.T. and Rezanejad, A. (2012) Seismically-induced boulder displacement in the Port Hills, New Zealand during the 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 55, No. 3, p. 271-278 [PDF]

30. Shcherbakov, R., Nguyen, M. and Quigley, M. (2012) Statistical Analysis of the 2010 MW 7.1 Darfield Earthquake Aftershock Sequence. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 55, No. 3, p. 305-311 [PDF]

29. Villamor, P., Litchfield, N., Barrell, D., Van Dissen, R., Hornblow, S., Quigley, M., Levick, S., Ries, W., Duffy, B., Begg, J., Townsend, D., Stahl, T., Bilderback, E., Noble, D., Furlong, K. and Grant, H. (2012) Map of the 2010 Greendale Fault surface rupture, Canterbury, New Zealand: Application to land use planning. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 55, No. 3, p. 223-230 [PDF]

28. Quigley, M., Duffy, B., Woodhead, J., Hellstrom, J., Moody, L. Horton, T., Soares, J., Fernandes, L. (2012) U-Pb dating of a terminal Pliocene coral from the Indonesian Seaway, Marine Geology, 311-314, 57-62, [PDF]

27. Quigley, M., Van Dissen, R., Litchfield, N., Villamor, P., Duffy, B., Barrell, D., Furlong, K., Stahl, T., Bilderback, E., Noble, D. (2012) Surface rupture during the 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury, New Zealand) earthquake: implications for fault rupture dynamics and seismic-hazard analysis, Geology 40 (1) p. 55-59. [PDF] [SUPPL INFO]

26. Barrell, D., N.J. Litchfield, D.B. Townsend, M. Quigley, and 20 others, 2011, Strike-slip ground-surface rupture (Greendale Fault) associated with the 4th September 2010 Darfield Earthquake, Canterbury, New Zealand, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydogeology, Geological Society of London, Paper 11-034R [PDF]

25. Holden, C., Beavan, J., Fry, B., Reyners, M., Ristau, J., Van Dissen, R., Villamor, P., Quigley, M., 2011, Preliminary source model of the Mw 7.1 Darfield earthquake from geological, geodetic and seismic data, Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering Building an Earthquake-Resilient Society 14-16 April, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, Paper 164, 7p.  [PDF]

24. Ely, K., Sandiford, M., Hawke, M., Phillips, D., Quigley, M., dos Reis, J.E., 2011, Evolution of Ataúro Island: temporal constraints on the Banda Arc – continental collision, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 41, 477-493  [PDF]

23. Van Dissen, R., D. Barrell, N. Litchfield, P. Villamor, M. Quigley, A. King, K. Furlong, J. Begg, D. Townsend, H. Mackenzie, T. Stahl, D. Noble, B. Duffy, E. Bilderback, J. Claridge, A. Klahn, R. Jongens, S. Cox, R. Langridge, W. Ries, R. Dhakal, A. Smith, S. Hornblow, R. Nicol, K. Pedley, H. Henham, R. Hunter, A. Zajac, T. Mote (2011) Surface rupture displacement on the Greendale Fault during the Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake, New Zealand, and its impact on man-made structures, Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Building an Earthquake-Resilient Society, Auckland, New Zealand  [PDF]

22. Quigley, M., Fattahi, M., Sohbati, R., Schmidt, A., (2011) Palaeoseismicity and pottery: investigating earthquake and archaeological chronologies on the Hajiarab alluvial fan, Iran, Quaternary International, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2011.04.023 [PDF]

21. Schmidt, A., Quigley, M., Fattahi, M., Azizi, G., Maghsoudi, M., Sohbati, R, Fazeli, H. (2011) Holocene settlement shifts and palaeoenvironments on the Central Iranian Plateau: investigating linked systems, The Holocene 21, 4, 583–595  [PDF]

20. Jakica, S., Quigley, M., Sandiford, M., Clark, D., Fifield, L.K., Alimanovic, A. (2011) Geomorphic and cosmogenic nuclide constraints on escarpment evolution in an intraplate setting, Darling Escarpment, Western Australia, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36, 4, 449-459 [PDF]

19. Quigley, M., Van Dissen, R., Villamor, P., Litchfield, N., Barrell, D., Furlong, K., Stahl, T., Duffy, B., Bilderback, E,. Noble, D., Townsend, D., Begg, J., Jongens, R., Ries, W., Claridge, J., Klahn, A., Mackenzie, H., Smith, A., Hornblow, S., Nicol, R., Cox, S., Langridge, R., Pedley, K., (2010), Surface rupture of the Greendale Fault during the Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake, New Zealand: Initial Findings, New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Bulletin, December Special volume, Preliminary Assessment of Initial Observations of the Darfield [Canterbury] Earthquake Sequence   [PDF]

18. Cubrinovski, M., Green, R.A., Allen, J., Ashford, S., Bowman, E., Bradley, B., Cox, B., Hutchinson, T., Kavazanjian, E., Orense, R., Pender, M., Quigley, M. and Wotherspoon, L. (2010) Geotechnical Reconnaissance of the 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) Earthquake. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 43(4): 243-320 [PDF]

17. Quigley, M., Villamor, P., Furlong, K., Beavan, J., Van Dissen, R., Litchfield, N., Stahl, T., Duffy, B., Bilderback, E., Noble, D.,  Barrell, D., Jongens, R., Cox, S., (2010) Previously Unknown Fault Shakes New Zealand’s South Island, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 91, No. 49, p.469-471  [PDF]

16. Quigley, M., Horton, T., Hellstrom, J., Cupper, M., Sandiford, M., (2010) Holocene climate change in arid Australia from speleothem and alluvial records, The Holocene doi: 10.1177/0959683610369508 [PDF]

15. Seiler, C., Fletcher, J., Quigley, M., Gleadow, A., Kohn, B. (2010) “Proto-gulf” transtension in the Gulf extensional province: kinematic evidence from the Sierra San Felipe, Baja California , Tectonophysics 488, 1-4, 87-109  [PDF]

14. Quigley, M., Clark, D., Sandiford, M. (2010) Tectonic geomorphology of Australia, In: Geological Society London Special Publication ‘Australian landscapes’ ; v. 346; p. 243-265 doi:10.1144/SP346.13 [PDF]

13. Karlstrom, K., Heizler, M., Quigley, M., (2010), Structure and 40Ar/39Ar K-feldspar thermal history of the Gold Butte block: re-evaluation of the tilted crustal section model, In: Geological Society of America Special Paper 463, Miocene tectonics of the Lake Mead region, central Basin and Range, 331-352  [PDF]

12. Quigley, M., Karlstrom, K., Kelley, S., Heizler, M., (2010), Uplift and exhumation of basement rocks in the Colorado Plateau – Basin and Range transition zone, Geological Society of America Special Paper 463, Miocene tectonics of the Lake Mead region, central Basin and Range, 311-330  [PDF]

11. Sandiford, M., Quigley, M., De Broekert, P., Jakica, S. (2009) Tectonic framework for the Cainozoic cratonic basins of Australia, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56, 5-18  [PDF]

10. Sommerville, P., Quijada, P., Thio, H.K., Sandiford, M., Quigley, M.  (2009) Contribution of identified active faults to near fault seismic hazard in the Flinders Ranges, Australian Earthquake Engineering Society Publications [PDF]

9. Sandiford, M., Quigley, M.C. (2009) Topo-Oz: insights into the various modes of intraplate deformation in the Australian continent, Tectonophysics 474, 405-416  [PDF]

8. Hillis, R., Sandiford, M., Reynolds, S., Quigley, M. (2008) Present-Day Stresses, Seismicity and Neogene-Recent Tectonics of Australia’s ‘Passive’ Margins: Intraplate Deformation Controlled by Plate Boundary Forces, In: Johnson, H., Dore, A., Gatliff, R.W., Holdsworth, R., Lundin, E.R., Ritchie, J.D. (eds) The Nature and Origin of Compression in Passive Margins, Geological Society of London, Special Publications 306, 71-90. DOI: 10.1144/SP306.3  [PDF]

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